Divorce Right: HR Solutions For Divorce In The Workplace
Welcome to Divorce Right: HR Solutions For Divorce In The Workplace with your host, Vicky Townsend. Welcome to the show for HR directors, managers, and department heads looking for solutions for their divorcing employees. Divorce is the second-highest life stressor coming in just slightly behind the death of a loved one. From presenteeism to absenteeism and everything in between, divorcing employees cost our country billions of dollars each year in lost productivity. In this show, you’ll learn how to help your employees in this very challenging life event. So join us every Monday, where we dive into the state-of-the-art techniques, tips, and real-world solutions for divorcing employees in the workplace. You’ll meet thought leaders from the divorce and the human resources industries from across the country. You’ll hear from industry giants in the field of mental health, legal matters, finance, issues with children, and so much more to help you help your employee through this incredibly challenging life event. So put it on your calendar and learn how to make this process a better one for your team.
51 episodes
#50 Helping your employee through grief and loss from Divorce.
A conversation between Vicky Townsend, Paulette Rigo and Dr. Randy Heller(Licensed mental health counselor, Licensed marriage and family therapist) about Helping your employee through grief and loss from Divorce.
Episode 50
#49 Supporting your employees to rebuild their lives after divorce
A conversation between Vicky Townsend, Paulette Rigo and Will Lemon about Supporting your employees to rebuild their lives after divorce.
Episode 49
#48 Anxiety, mental wellness and divorce. Techniques to support your employees suffering from anxiety.
A conversation between Vicky Townsend, Paulette Rigo and Stephanie Dalfonzo(Master Hypnotist and the author of "Goodbye Anxiety, Hello Freedom: 35 Simple Ways to Calm Stress and Anxiety") about Anxiety, mental wellness and divorce. Techniques t...
#47 What your HR Employees need to know to support your divorcing employees.
A conversation between Vicky Townsend, Paulette Rigo and Lane Crall(Certified Divorce Coach and Owner - Now & Then Coaching LLC) about What your HR Employees need to know to support your divorcing employees.
Episode 47
#46 Cost of Divorce and Your Group Health Insurance
A conversation between Vicky Townsend and Paulette Rigo(Director of coaching and case management at Divorce Right) about Cost of Divorce and Your Group Health Insurance.
Episode 46
#45 Chronic Illness and Divorce
A conversation between Vicky Townsend and LaQuita Fergerson about Chronic Illness and Divorce.
Episode 45
#44 Divorce Done Right: The Role of a Divorce Coach in Achieving a Positive Outcome
A conversation between Vicky Townsend and Pegotty Cooper(Certified Divorce Coach Training) about The Role of a Divorce Coach in Achieving a Positive Outcome
Episode 44
#43 Strategies for HR Professionals to Support Employees Through Addiction and Divorce Challenges at Work
A conversation between Vicky Townsend and Paulette Rigo(Director of coaching and case management at Divorce Right) about Strategies for HR Professionals to Support Employees Through Addiction and Divorce Challenges at Work.
Episode 43
#42 Empowering your employees through divorce with a global wellness plan - Plan Right - Your Better Divorce Blueprint - for HR professionals
A conversation with between Vicky Townsend and Paulette Rigo(Director of coaching and case management at Divorce Right) about Empowering your employees through divorce with a global wellness plan - Plan Right - Your Better Divorce Blueprint - f...
Episode 42
#41 Driven To Distraction - The Loss in Productivity Due to Divorce
A conversation with between Vicky Townsend and Judith Weigle( Divorce mediator, divorce negotiator, and communication specialist) about The Loss in Productivity Due to Divorce.
Episode 41
#40 The Right Solutions For Your Divorcing Employees.
A conversation with between Vicky Townsend and Paulette Rigo( Director of coaching and case management at Divorce Right) about The Right Solutions For Your Divorcing Employees.
Episode 40
#39 The cost of divorce on the workplace and our government.
A conversation with Dr. David Schramm(Family Scholar at USU) about The cost of divorce on the workplace and our government.
Episode 39
#38 The High Conflict Divorce - the cost to the employee and to the company
A conversation with Jason Levoy(Former Divorce Attorney turned Divorce Coach Helping You Figure Out What You Need To Get Through Divorce) about The High Conflict Divorce - the cost to the employee and to the company.
Episode 38
#37 Discover the benefits for your divorcing employees. Plan Right - Your Better Divorce Blueprint.
Discover the benefits for your divorcing employees. Plan Right - Your Better Divorce Blueprint.
Episode 37
#36 - There's a new HR Health and Wellness benefit in town and it will save your company millions.
A conversation with Gail Nankervis(Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and Licensed Family Mediator) about a new HR Health and Wellness benefit in town that will save your company millions.
Episode 36
#35 - Coparenting - Creating peace and support for divorced, step, separated and single parents at work.
A conversation with Teresa Harlow(Speaker | Author | Coach | Mediator) about Coparenting - Creating peace and support for divorced, step, separated and single parents at work.
Episode 35
#34 - How your employee can afford a divorce.
A conversation with Nicole Noonan(CEO - New Chapter Capital, Inc.) about how your employee can afford a divorce.
#33 - Supporting Employees with Additional Special Needs
We speak to Susan Bernstein about the additional challenges that your employees with special needs face and how you can support them.
#32 - Meet Divorce Right..understanding our benefits for your employees
In this episode we speak to Gail Nankervis about understanding you employees benefits.
#31 - Financing Divorce
In this episode we discuss how your employees can find financial support for their divorce.
#30 - Coparenting - Creating peace and support for divorced, step, separated and single parents at work
On this episode, we discuss coparenting, how to create peace and support for divorced, step, separated and single parents at work.
#29 - Divorce is Seasonal - and a big one is coming up!
Did you know that divorce has a season? In fact there are three times in the year that your employees are researching divorce on their computers. Be ready for it and support those that are considering ending their marriage. In...
#28 - How to Retain Divorcing Employees with Steven Rigo
As a Mortgage Consultant and Certified Divorce Lending Professional I personally walk every client step by step through the process in securing the very best financial options for their particular real estate purchases and prevent divorcing cou...
#27 - Supporting Your Divorcing Employees with Other Job Opportunities to Improve Retention
Bonnie Chao is the Founder and President of CGC Group - a boutique consulting and staffing search firm founded in 2012. The mission of CGC Group is to deliver high-quality recruitment and consulting services as a true business partner to client...